Ottawa, ON – October 20-23, 2016 – FMO Conference

We’ll be attending the 2016 Folk Music Ontario (FMO) Conference taking place between October 20-23 in Ottawa, Ontario.

Folk Music Ontario (FMO) Conference
Delta Ottawa City Centre
101 Lyon Street North
Ottawa, ON

Thursday Evening
12:30-12:50am – Mentor Showcase (Pinnacle Room)

Friday Evening
11:40pm-12am – Folk Music Canada (Rm 416)
12:40am-1am – The Folkin’ Cat’s Meow (Rm 419)

Saturday Afternoon
3:30-4:30pm – Laura is moderating a panel entitled “Your Body is a Wonderland (Vocal/Performer Health/Performance Ergonomics)” in the Richelieu Room.

Saturday Evening
1:00-1:30am – LAMA-Palooza VI (Rm 407)

Showcases and panels are open to FMO conference delegates. For more information about the conference visit

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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Department
of Canadian Heritage (Canada Music Fund) and of Canada's Private Radio Broadcasters.

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