graydon’s debut novel: “The Mall of Small Frustrations” is now available!

the mall of small frustrationsIn case you hadn’t heard, I’ve been working hard to make the band name slightly less ironic. That means: I’ve finally finished my first full-on novel, “The Mall of Small Frustrations”, and it’s now out in the world! I’m a young novelist…if you consider that the median age for novelists is 53.

The book launch is less than two weeks away at Hugh’s Room on Thursday, May 2nd! Call (416-531-6604) and get tickets now, make a dinner reservation, and join us for a night of literature, folk music, and tea.

For those who can’t make it to Hugh’s Room for May 2nd, you can buy the book right now in our Store.

Today is also the first day of our Small Frustrations tour to the east coast, so just a reminder to join us for a show if you can, or spread the word. Here are the quick & dirty details in the Shows page!

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